Wednesday, September 4, 2013

And so the year begins...

10 years in the game... I have finally reached a milestone that I never thought I'd get to.  In the beginning, some days felt like an eternity, while other days passed with the blink of an eye.  What have I learned in these 10 years?  A LOT!  

10 Things I've learned Along the Way 

  1. Third graders can do wonders for your self esteem.  They compliment you when you look like fifty miles of bad road and still appreciate your sense of humor!
  2. Establishing a family like community will help every group of students, from the most challenging to the best blended me, it works! 
  3. No matter how much you plan out a lesson, something will always go differently than how you planned...instead of panicking in moments like these, embrace this time and relax! Let the students see how you handle situations like this, set a good example.  
  4. Even when you are having a bad day, smile and allow yourself to get distracted by the innocence and beauty of will make you feel better from the inside out.  
  5. Having colleagues that you can share life with is magical.  It is a gift that you not only share with each other, you share it with your students as well.  Children need to see you interact supportively and lovingly with your improves the school climate.
  6. Appreciate the support staff you have.  Say thank you to the custodian, secretary, nurse, etc., as often as you can.  They are the behind the scene crew that rarely get the recognition they deserve.
  7. Complaining is not going to fix the problems of the world.  Instead of complaining, try to thoughtfully approach the problem with a more positive outlook.
  8. Communicate openly and often with parents.  You probably see their child more often than they do.  
  9. Wait 24 hours before responding to an email that infuriates you...think your response over and ask a friend to proof it before you hit send.  
  10. If you ever stop learning from your students and peers, it is probably time to seek a new profession!  


  1. I love your 10 Things I've Learned Along the Way!Sometimes you need to remember to stop and take a deep breathe before you continue forward in no matter what you are doing. :)

  2. Wow, this is a powerful post. I am going to screen capture it and keep it nearby. Lots of excellent advice.
