Monday, October 7, 2013

MORE Digital Storytelling!

After reluctantly embracing this process, I am pleased to say that I have completed another digital story. My grade level colleagues and I were planning a math lesson that integrated the book, Two of Everything, by Lily Toy Hong.  The problem was that we only had one copy for 3 classes to share. And then, it struck me!  I could create a digital story for my peers to project in their classrooms!   In addition to this, I have posted the story on my classroom website for students and parents to access at home.  The second time around was much easier than the first...I hope you enjoy this!


  1. Genius. Plus, your voice is perfect. Now, students don't just have your Read-Aloud from class, but can access it to hear over and over again. This could also be an excellent activity for students to practice reading aloud with inflection to interpret a story. You are getting to be really good a making digital stories. Hope you keep making them and consider other ways they fit into your curricular areas. Plus, if you post these videos in a blog, you could ask students to answer questions afterwards in their replies.

  2. Just found this video of a student reading the book. You could show this to your students. Maybe some of the more theatrical ones will want to do their own Read-Alouds. Students also like writing their own plays and acting them out in video format, e.g., Reader's Theater. Here is the link to the student reading Two of Everything:

  3. What a great idea for when you are short on copies of a book. This was great. You were so much fun to listen to. Awesome reading!
