Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Literacy Project

This lesson is part of a unit on personal narratives.  This lesson falls toward the very end of the unit. Students have written and been scored on a pre-assessment piece, reviewed the components of Writer’s Workshop, conferenced in small groups and with the teacher, collected and gathered ideas, reviewed the writing cycle, reviewed exemplar pieces, have access to and practice with their Writer’s Notebooks, and practiced organization and elaboration strategies.  The students selected for this activity are general education students.  Pre-assessment data collected determined that these students would benefit from this guided & independent practice that will highlight their strengths and provide opportunities for growth. The objectives of this lessons were to complete a personal narrative and to create a digital story as their published piece. We used iMovie to create this story. I guided the students with this process and assisted with timing. This story was written, illustrated and narrated by a student who shows some difficulty with writing concepts and skills. I found this lesson to be highly motivating and engaging. I plan to work with other students to publish their work in similar manners.

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